AHHH i so long never post already. ANYWAY this is going to be really short cause i have to like wake up early tomorrow morning to do work =( last minute stuff again. so.. my chinese o level oral is TOMORROW! hahahaha so NERVE WRECKING! but oh well.. i will just leave it in God's hands. i will do my best and God will do the rest! =)
finished my application already, hopefully it can get through! =) HOPEFULLY. okay... i haven't been exercising FOR A WEEK cause i've been really busy BUTBUTBUT i have been really happy this past week due to LOADS OF STUFF LIKE talentime etc. i tell you ar... IT WAS A BLAST! hahahahaha. talentime was totally ultimately fun. i have like no time now so i shall post the videos and pictures another day.
till then. have a NICE AND HAPPY WEEK! for all those that haven't had their oral like ME.. JIA YOU!!! we can DO IT! =) tooooodles! haha. this is actually not very short. OH WELL =D
9:01 pm
Wednesday, 25 June 2008
AHHHH.. im like trying to cram all my INTEGRATION STUFF into my head but it seems like its not working! MY TEST IS TML! and im still not prepared. oh GOD please help me =( i don't like integration!!!!!!
okay enough whining =) today on the way home the bus was ultra packed so when the door was about to close, an old lady shouted from the outside saying (in chinese) : " uncle, hai2 you3 wei4 ma1? da4 jia1 ji3 jin4 qu4 ba4! rang4 wo3 men2 zhe4 xie1 lao3 ren2 jia1 shang4 lai2.. HAO3 XIN1 HUI4 YOU3 HAO3 BAO4 DE4!!!" hahaha.. its so cute i was like giggling all the way. she practically SHOUTED so the whole bus could hear her. =D thats the way man! sometimes old people DO need to have their way SOMETIMES! hahahaha.
9:02 pm
Tuesday, 24 June 2008
well.. im quite happy with the NEW timetable cause like we only have to focus on 3 subjects per day!! and i think i really really need to start sleeping early or else dozing off during lessons will be like a HABIT for me =( and i don't want that. ANYWAY, i enjoyed today's lessons and you know what? im beginning to like HISTORY more and more!!! hahaha.. its kind of interesting the way countries are ruled and how their political system is like etc. MAYBE i shall become a HISTORIAN! lol. okay maybe in my dreams but im seriously like INTO HISTORY! hahaha.
oh yah just want to say THANK YOU TO XIANWEI for helping me queue up today cause i had to leave early. YEAH! so finally i get a ticket to go to talentime =) its going to be soooooo fun!
okay thats pretty much what today is all about and NOW i shall do my work! i cant believe im quite excited about it but it must be the MOVTIVATION that OLEVELS is coming NEARER! =D BYEBYE people!
9:03 pm
Monday, 23 June 2008
HELOOO! hahaha. first day of school was GOOD i guess. with all the INSPIRATIONAL TALKS that i heard today.. i am TOTALLY LIKE SERIOUSLY inspired =) especially by Miss K. "Whatever it Takes" was three words that i learnt today and i doubt i will ever forget it. Awww.. she is so nice to US! =D she made like BADGES! hahaha. she's really nice...
anyway, ITS like around FOUR months to OLEVELS! like AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH everybody in school is like FREAKING OUT! hahaha. but our teachers are really supportive. i really thank God for putting them in our lives! LOL. well, since OLEVELS is coming then i would have to MUG more, CONCENTRATE more, WATCH TV less and USE THE COM less =( oh yah, and MISSS ALL THE MOOVIESS! thats pretty sad BUT the sec4 girls are gonna like have a crazy and wild MOVIE marathon after Os. THEY BETTER CAUSE I WANNA WATCH ALL THE MOVIES THAT I MISS! HAHAHA. =P
before i forget, TALENTIME CONCERT IS THIS FRIDAY! im quite excited for my FRIENDS! hahaha. promised Xianwei to make banner for her. LOL. its gonna be SO COOL! haha. BUT what i dont like the most is the QUEUEING up for tickets part.. its YUCKS! Soooooo longgg!!! okay i know im whiny BUT its really LONG. BUT just because i will support my FRIENDS, I WILL QUEUE UP! =D
okay need to CHAO now. my targetted sleeping time is like 10.30pm. i will achieve it err... SOON! =D BYEBYE!
9:06 pm
Saturday, 21 June 2008
hello everybody. i HAVE LOTS OF WORK TO DO =( and im pretty proud and sad of myself. proud cause i am learning to have self discipline and sad because of this new found self discipline i have MISSED a MOVIE and a BBQ! =((( its okay i guess... FOR THE SAKE of olevels i must JIAYOU! HAHAHA. i will be NICE and pray for everyone too okay? study hard people and dont GIVE UP! =) GRACE supports YOU!
9:07 pm
Thursday, 19 June 2008
HELLO. actually the time of my blog entries are actually all wrong so now it is like 12 midnight HAHAHA. i just got back from my exercising regime! =) ate downstairs with my family and loving every minute of it.
anyway.. today was OKAY iguess. just me studying as usual and going in and out of my kitchen like more than 20 times just to find FOOD. i was SUPER hungry =( so i just ate all sorts of thingys... LOL. thats me! oh yah.. i found out that my mum had a cilent called "YAKULT"!!! haha.. how cool is that?!!? its like COOLNESS.. wow i wonder who would have a name like that? HAHAHAHA. okay im bad but its so CUTE! hahaha.
so school's starting really soon and i like HAVEN't FINISH my work! =( thats pretty bad. but oh well.. i bet half of my class haven't even touch their work yet!!! MUAHAHA.. im smart =D oh oh yah..my mum gave me and olive a CHALLENGE today you know? haha.. ALOT of "motivation" you know.. wanna know what it is??? HAHAHA im NOT going to tell you! UNLESS.. =0)
okay la.. nothing much to post about but will come back soon. CYA PEOPLE! BYEBYE :)
9:09 pm
hihihi! back already from my maths tuition. oh you know what... i FINALLY understand the chapter of PROBABILITY! HAHAHA. yeah! =) its PROBABLY really difficult you know but i PROBABLY understand it now thanks to my CAPABLE HELPFUL AND NICE teacher! :D
anyway.. i still have like lots of WORK to do and i REALLY REALLY hope that i can finish by tomorrow =( JIAJIAYOUYOU!!! so i have like lots of maths, lots of chem, lots of english, lots of physics etc. okay practically lots of EVERY SUB! ahhh.. im in HOT SOUP =((((
BUTBUTBUT im not THAT sad cause GOD is with me! =D hahaha.. "trust in him and every thing will be alright" quoted from my MUMMY =) well.. i really need to put everything in God's hands cause nowadays i have like LOADS of things on my mind, not like tiny tiny little stones you know. its like BIG HUGE ROCKS! HAHA. well.. but don't worry i will still FACE IT and solve it!!! =D
oh yah.. today i shared with my mummy about how i want my wedding to be like!! haha.. its so funny but full of COOLNESS! im really getting excited just thinking about it.. you wanna know? well.. "if i tell you i would have to kill you!" muAHAHAHAHA. *beams* okay im getting lame but its all because of MATHS! hahaha. wish me luck in finishing it!!!
oh wait some videos for your enjoyment.. TOODLES! =)
escalator! HAHAHA.
GRACE's LOGIC! (im so right la!!!)
9:08 pm
Tuesday, 17 June 2008
muahaha.. IM BACK after like 10 days! okay fine i was back on sat morning but was just TOOO lazy to post anything HAHA. and now im really bored cause GEOG is making me AHHHH so i shall post stuff about my very very super ULTRA FUN CHURCH CAMP! =)
9thJune08-14thJune08 w00ts just THE SEC4 GIRLS! oops my dear girl.. tsktsk sleeping during talks HAHA. aww they made up.. now BEST BUDDIES HOR!
our camp speaker! i think it was xinyu's LAME idea but oh well. i look so CUTE!! HAHAHA. my my guess who is that? RRACCHEEELLLL...
oops dinner time! the most funnest experience! =D
arrived there by bus and the journey there was hmmm... INTERESTING! haha. oh yah especially the part where EEYANG was controlling her pee!! HAHAHA. i tell you, don't even sit on the same bus as eeyang when she NEEDS TO GO TOILET URGENTLY! hahaha.
reached AVILLION and it is a really great place. very SCENIC (if theres such a word) lol. and guess what, less than 30 seconds we reached the place.. me and eeyang were locked outside of our room WITH our KEYS inside!!! HAHA. it was totally HILARIOUS! =D but i enjoyed every moment of it. its a MEMORY you know...
so the days carried on and i really got to learn lots of things from the theme talks and workshops.. ESPECIALLY the workshops. they really helped alot. AND the nights everyone hanged out was fun. REALLY crazy. hahaha. and the last night I slept for like an hour?! hahaha. COOLNESS anyway.. as you can SEE i took lots of pictures and some dumb videos but who cares? as long as I, GRACE CHEW appreciate it can already!!! hahaha
it takes me very long just to load photos so i shall be smart and load videos NEXT TIME! enjoy people! as for me.. im off to tackle my WORK =(!!!
9:10 pm
Saturday, 7 June 2008
was quite busy these few days and pretty much slept once i got HOME! but i was VERY VERY happy on that day cause it was STEP-DOWN DAY! i had so much FUN even though i was stepping down.. it was indeed a sad moment BUT we all treasured it very much didn't we girls? =) i love DANCE CLUB and all my peers and JUNIORS!!! w000ts! ok some pictures that I took on that day ENJOY! (okay not SOME quite alot actually =D)
haha those were all PICTURES that i took! not bad huh?! all the girls looked SO PRETTY =)
and now presenting a task that miss PEARLINE TENG and ME were trying to do.. "the CARRYING EACH OTHER EXERCISE!" HAHAHA. xD
STEP 1 : back person puts arms on shoulders of front person
STEP 2: front person bend down
STEP 3: front person grabs the hands of back person
STEP 4: back person applies body weight on front person
STEP 5: front person BEARS the body weight when slowly standing up
STEP 6: BUT also remembers to SCREAM when its TOOO much!
STEP 7: and FINALLY the back person is CARRIED! =)
HAHAHAHA. see PEARLINE took soooooooo long just to carry me BUT HOW ABOUT ME?? well... look at this =)
even PEARLINE got a shock!!!
anyway.. you bet i had FUN that day! oh ya.. THANKS EVERYONE FOR THE PRESENTS! i really really like it... now i got LOADS AND LOADS of sweets and chocolates to eat when STUDYING! =D thanks you girls are the SWEETEST!!! hahaha. =D
HELLO! ok today went to church for band practice. you know what?!?!!? IM LEADING TOMORROWWW!!! ahhh.. i'm really really REALLY nervous. OH MAN! =( but anyway.. i am really thankful for my BAND they are so NICE and VERY supportive =D hahahaha.. so after that i went to CINDY jiejie's house to eat KOREAN DINNER! wah wah wah.. all my diet rules were broken TONIGHT! HAHAHA. so sorry couldn't RESIST! =P enjoyed myself though.. and now i got to go prepare what to say TOMORROW! AHHHHH.
okay la.. thats all people! have a nice WEEKEND ahead.. i know i will have cause...... IM GOING TO CHURCH CAMP!!!!! YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO =)
9:11 pm
Wednesday, 4 June 2008
HELLO PEOPLE! i shall now post about my dinner date on sunday night. MET everybody at tampines interchange AND AS USUAL (without fail ) our dear ROSELINE was the last to come! HAHAHA. never change hor... since primary school.
lOL ok so ANYWAY to continue, we were deciding where to eat. SO when we FINALLY decided to eat at Pastamania and sat down. Suddenly dunno who said she wanted to go and eat in FOODCOURT instead. so as you know.. being TYPICAL GIRLS that wanted to save $$$, haha we went to eat there. =)
after which.. we went to STARBUCKS! i tell you ar, this is the FIRST TIME i've been there! im serious, so i let ROSELINE order =) haha. only this time okay? next time IM ORDERING! MUAHAHAHA. yeah so we sat there and TALKED TALKED TALKED like until 10pm!!! COOL right?!?!? haha... now i know what is like to have a "GIRL'S NIGHT OUT!" =D okay so ofcourse i told them 'STUFF' and we all had a GREAT NIGHT! hahaha. i really really truly enjoyed it girls. THANKS! okay so here are some photos :
THE 5 of US! =)
(OOPS! that is so not taken by me!!! but haha oh well.. i look 'NICE'!)
HAHAHA. anyway looking at all these pictures i've realised how long it has been already. since primary school until now! WOAH! we've done well GIRLS =) im happy about that! once again, may we stay close forever! =D love you guys!
okay so anyway, i had quite a fun day today. doing powerpoint presentation for DANCE and going to church to TEACH PT to all my parts people! hahaha. and now at this very second.... I AM SUPER DUPER HAPPY AND i won't tell you why unless you get on the bus like EEYANG! hahaha. wishing everyone a happy week and oh yah.. CHURCH CAMP IS COMING!!! =0)
oh you know what! I LOVE THIS DRINK!!!
haha i know im randon but i love the pictures!!!
9:11 pm
Sunday, 29 June 2008
AHHH i so long never post already. ANYWAY this is going to be really short cause i have to like wake up early tomorrow morning to do work =( last minute stuff again. so.. my chinese o level oral is TOMORROW! hahahaha so NERVE WRECKING! but oh well.. i will just leave it in God's hands. i will do my best and God will do the rest! =)
finished my application already, hopefully it can get through! =) HOPEFULLY. okay... i haven't been exercising FOR A WEEK cause i've been really busy BUTBUTBUT i have been really happy this past week due to LOADS OF STUFF LIKE talentime etc. i tell you ar... IT WAS A BLAST! hahahahaha. talentime was totally ultimately fun. i have like no time now so i shall post the videos and pictures another day.
till then. have a NICE AND HAPPY WEEK! for all those that haven't had their oral like ME.. JIA YOU!!! we can DO IT! =) tooooodles! haha. this is actually not very short. OH WELL =D
9:01 pm;
Wednesday, 25 June 2008
AHHHH.. im like trying to cram all my INTEGRATION STUFF into my head but it seems like its not working! MY TEST IS TML! and im still not prepared. oh GOD please help me =( i don't like integration!!!!!!
okay enough whining =) today on the way home the bus was ultra packed so when the door was about to close, an old lady shouted from the outside saying (in chinese) : " uncle, hai2 you3 wei4 ma1? da4 jia1 ji3 jin4 qu4 ba4! rang4 wo3 men2 zhe4 xie1 lao3 ren2 jia1 shang4 lai2.. HAO3 XIN1 HUI4 YOU3 HAO3 BAO4 DE4!!!" hahaha.. its so cute i was like giggling all the way. she practically SHOUTED so the whole bus could hear her. =D thats the way man! sometimes old people DO need to have their way SOMETIMES! hahahaha.
9:02 pm;
Tuesday, 24 June 2008
well.. im quite happy with the NEW timetable cause like we only have to focus on 3 subjects per day!! and i think i really really need to start sleeping early or else dozing off during lessons will be like a HABIT for me =( and i don't want that. ANYWAY, i enjoyed today's lessons and you know what? im beginning to like HISTORY more and more!!! hahaha.. its kind of interesting the way countries are ruled and how their political system is like etc. MAYBE i shall become a HISTORIAN! lol. okay maybe in my dreams but im seriously like INTO HISTORY! hahaha.
oh yah just want to say THANK YOU TO XIANWEI for helping me queue up today cause i had to leave early. YEAH! so finally i get a ticket to go to talentime =) its going to be soooooo fun!
okay thats pretty much what today is all about and NOW i shall do my work! i cant believe im quite excited about it but it must be the MOVTIVATION that OLEVELS is coming NEARER! =D BYEBYE people!
9:03 pm;
Monday, 23 June 2008
HELOOO! hahaha. first day of school was GOOD i guess. with all the INSPIRATIONAL TALKS that i heard today.. i am TOTALLY LIKE SERIOUSLY inspired =) especially by Miss K. "Whatever it Takes" was three words that i learnt today and i doubt i will ever forget it. Awww.. she is so nice to US! =D she made like BADGES! hahaha. she's really nice...
anyway, ITS like around FOUR months to OLEVELS! like AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH everybody in school is like FREAKING OUT! hahaha. but our teachers are really supportive. i really thank God for putting them in our lives! LOL. well, since OLEVELS is coming then i would have to MUG more, CONCENTRATE more, WATCH TV less and USE THE COM less =( oh yah, and MISSS ALL THE MOOVIESS! thats pretty sad BUT the sec4 girls are gonna like have a crazy and wild MOVIE marathon after Os. THEY BETTER CAUSE I WANNA WATCH ALL THE MOVIES THAT I MISS! HAHAHA. =P
before i forget, TALENTIME CONCERT IS THIS FRIDAY! im quite excited for my FRIENDS! hahaha. promised Xianwei to make banner for her. LOL. its gonna be SO COOL! haha. BUT what i dont like the most is the QUEUEING up for tickets part.. its YUCKS! Soooooo longgg!!! okay i know im whiny BUT its really LONG. BUT just because i will support my FRIENDS, I WILL QUEUE UP! =D
okay need to CHAO now. my targetted sleeping time is like 10.30pm. i will achieve it err... SOON! =D BYEBYE!
9:06 pm;
Saturday, 21 June 2008
hello everybody. i HAVE LOTS OF WORK TO DO =( and im pretty proud and sad of myself. proud cause i am learning to have self discipline and sad because of this new found self discipline i have MISSED a MOVIE and a BBQ! =((( its okay i guess... FOR THE SAKE of olevels i must JIAYOU! HAHAHA. i will be NICE and pray for everyone too okay? study hard people and dont GIVE UP! =) GRACE supports YOU!
9:07 pm;
Thursday, 19 June 2008
HELLO. actually the time of my blog entries are actually all wrong so now it is like 12 midnight HAHAHA. i just got back from my exercising regime! =) ate downstairs with my family and loving every minute of it.
anyway.. today was OKAY iguess. just me studying as usual and going in and out of my kitchen like more than 20 times just to find FOOD. i was SUPER hungry =( so i just ate all sorts of thingys... LOL. thats me! oh yah.. i found out that my mum had a cilent called "YAKULT"!!! haha.. how cool is that?!!? its like COOLNESS.. wow i wonder who would have a name like that? HAHAHAHA. okay im bad but its so CUTE! hahaha.
so school's starting really soon and i like HAVEN't FINISH my work! =( thats pretty bad. but oh well.. i bet half of my class haven't even touch their work yet!!! MUAHAHA.. im smart =D oh oh yah..my mum gave me and olive a CHALLENGE today you know? haha.. ALOT of "motivation" you know.. wanna know what it is??? HAHAHA im NOT going to tell you! UNLESS.. =0)
okay la.. nothing much to post about but will come back soon. CYA PEOPLE! BYEBYE :)
9:09 pm;
hihihi! back already from my maths tuition. oh you know what... i FINALLY understand the chapter of PROBABILITY! HAHAHA. yeah! =) its PROBABLY really difficult you know but i PROBABLY understand it now thanks to my CAPABLE HELPFUL AND NICE teacher! :D
anyway.. i still have like lots of WORK to do and i REALLY REALLY hope that i can finish by tomorrow =( JIAJIAYOUYOU!!! so i have like lots of maths, lots of chem, lots of english, lots of physics etc. okay practically lots of EVERY SUB! ahhh.. im in HOT SOUP =((((
BUTBUTBUT im not THAT sad cause GOD is with me! =D hahaha.. "trust in him and every thing will be alright" quoted from my MUMMY =) well.. i really need to put everything in God's hands cause nowadays i have like LOADS of things on my mind, not like tiny tiny little stones you know. its like BIG HUGE ROCKS! HAHA. well.. but don't worry i will still FACE IT and solve it!!! =D
oh yah.. today i shared with my mummy about how i want my wedding to be like!! haha.. its so funny but full of COOLNESS! im really getting excited just thinking about it.. you wanna know? well.. "if i tell you i would have to kill you!" muAHAHAHAHA. *beams* okay im getting lame but its all because of MATHS! hahaha. wish me luck in finishing it!!!
oh wait some videos for your enjoyment.. TOODLES! =)
escalator! HAHAHA.
GRACE's LOGIC! (im so right la!!!)
9:08 pm;
Tuesday, 17 June 2008
muahaha.. IM BACK after like 10 days! okay fine i was back on sat morning but was just TOOO lazy to post anything HAHA. and now im really bored cause GEOG is making me AHHHH so i shall post stuff about my very very super ULTRA FUN CHURCH CAMP! =)
9thJune08-14thJune08 w00ts just THE SEC4 GIRLS! oops my dear girl.. tsktsk sleeping during talks HAHA. aww they made up.. now BEST BUDDIES HOR!
our camp speaker! i think it was xinyu's LAME idea but oh well. i look so CUTE!! HAHAHA. my my guess who is that? RRACCHEEELLLL...
oops dinner time! the most funnest experience! =D
arrived there by bus and the journey there was hmmm... INTERESTING! haha. oh yah especially the part where EEYANG was controlling her pee!! HAHAHA. i tell you, don't even sit on the same bus as eeyang when she NEEDS TO GO TOILET URGENTLY! hahaha.
reached AVILLION and it is a really great place. very SCENIC (if theres such a word) lol. and guess what, less than 30 seconds we reached the place.. me and eeyang were locked outside of our room WITH our KEYS inside!!! HAHA. it was totally HILARIOUS! =D but i enjoyed every moment of it. its a MEMORY you know...
so the days carried on and i really got to learn lots of things from the theme talks and workshops.. ESPECIALLY the workshops. they really helped alot. AND the nights everyone hanged out was fun. REALLY crazy. hahaha. and the last night I slept for like an hour?! hahaha. COOLNESS anyway.. as you can SEE i took lots of pictures and some dumb videos but who cares? as long as I, GRACE CHEW appreciate it can already!!! hahaha
it takes me very long just to load photos so i shall be smart and load videos NEXT TIME! enjoy people! as for me.. im off to tackle my WORK =(!!!
9:10 pm;
Saturday, 7 June 2008
was quite busy these few days and pretty much slept once i got HOME! but i was VERY VERY happy on that day cause it was STEP-DOWN DAY! i had so much FUN even though i was stepping down.. it was indeed a sad moment BUT we all treasured it very much didn't we girls? =) i love DANCE CLUB and all my peers and JUNIORS!!! w000ts! ok some pictures that I took on that day ENJOY! (okay not SOME quite alot actually =D)
haha those were all PICTURES that i took! not bad huh?! all the girls looked SO PRETTY =)
and now presenting a task that miss PEARLINE TENG and ME were trying to do.. "the CARRYING EACH OTHER EXERCISE!" HAHAHA. xD
STEP 1 : back person puts arms on shoulders of front person
STEP 2: front person bend down
STEP 3: front person grabs the hands of back person
STEP 4: back person applies body weight on front person
STEP 5: front person BEARS the body weight when slowly standing up
STEP 6: BUT also remembers to SCREAM when its TOOO much!
STEP 7: and FINALLY the back person is CARRIED! =)
HAHAHAHA. see PEARLINE took soooooooo long just to carry me BUT HOW ABOUT ME?? well... look at this =)
even PEARLINE got a shock!!!
anyway.. you bet i had FUN that day! oh ya.. THANKS EVERYONE FOR THE PRESENTS! i really really like it... now i got LOADS AND LOADS of sweets and chocolates to eat when STUDYING! =D thanks you girls are the SWEETEST!!! hahaha. =D
HELLO! ok today went to church for band practice. you know what?!?!!? IM LEADING TOMORROWWW!!! ahhh.. i'm really really REALLY nervous. OH MAN! =( but anyway.. i am really thankful for my BAND they are so NICE and VERY supportive =D hahahaha.. so after that i went to CINDY jiejie's house to eat KOREAN DINNER! wah wah wah.. all my diet rules were broken TONIGHT! HAHAHA. so sorry couldn't RESIST! =P enjoyed myself though.. and now i got to go prepare what to say TOMORROW! AHHHHH.
okay la.. thats all people! have a nice WEEKEND ahead.. i know i will have cause...... IM GOING TO CHURCH CAMP!!!!! YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO =)
9:11 pm;
Wednesday, 4 June 2008
HELLO PEOPLE! i shall now post about my dinner date on sunday night. MET everybody at tampines interchange AND AS USUAL (without fail ) our dear ROSELINE was the last to come! HAHAHA. never change hor... since primary school.
lOL ok so ANYWAY to continue, we were deciding where to eat. SO when we FINALLY decided to eat at Pastamania and sat down. Suddenly dunno who said she wanted to go and eat in FOODCOURT instead. so as you know.. being TYPICAL GIRLS that wanted to save $$$, haha we went to eat there. =)
after which.. we went to STARBUCKS! i tell you ar, this is the FIRST TIME i've been there! im serious, so i let ROSELINE order =) haha. only this time okay? next time IM ORDERING! MUAHAHAHA. yeah so we sat there and TALKED TALKED TALKED like until 10pm!!! COOL right?!?!? haha... now i know what is like to have a "GIRL'S NIGHT OUT!" =D okay so ofcourse i told them 'STUFF' and we all had a GREAT NIGHT! hahaha. i really really truly enjoyed it girls. THANKS! okay so here are some photos :
THE 5 of US! =)
(OOPS! that is so not taken by me!!! but haha oh well.. i look 'NICE'!)
HAHAHA. anyway looking at all these pictures i've realised how long it has been already. since primary school until now! WOAH! we've done well GIRLS =) im happy about that! once again, may we stay close forever! =D love you guys!
okay so anyway, i had quite a fun day today. doing powerpoint presentation for DANCE and going to church to TEACH PT to all my parts people! hahaha. and now at this very second.... I AM SUPER DUPER HAPPY AND i won't tell you why unless you get on the bus like EEYANG! hahaha. wishing everyone a happy week and oh yah.. CHURCH CAMP IS COMING!!! =0)
oh you know what! I LOVE THIS DRINK!!!
haha i know im randon but i love the pictures!!!
9:11 pm;
It's me.
You may not know me you may know me, but HELLO anyway!
I am 100% a child of God.
3 very important things in my life --> the THREE Fs
I am currently dating my textbooks and shall wait for "MR RIGHT" to come by and sweep me off my feet. HAHAHA.
Enjoy navigating! may you fall into the arms of GRACE :D